Message from Chief Editor
As an international multidisciplinary publication platform, Journal of Maritime Logistics (JML) is mainly concerned with various themes pertaining to dynamism in the maritime domain. It offers the findings of the most recent studies and analyses on hinterland, seaports, and foreland. A number of significant changes have affected maritime logistics, such as trade, containerization, the fourth industrial revolution, and adjustments to national and international maritime laws and regulations. The last ten years have seen a sharp rise in global trade uncertainty, which has reshaped the maritime sector globally and sparked new advancements, liberalization, deregulation, and competition for sustainability or global objectives.
Through the balance of the planet (environment), people (social), and profits (economic), the worldwide goals for sustainability development in maritime logistics give priority to conservation. The first step has been taken by JML, which offers a platform for researchers worldwide to share their excellent ideas, innovations and planning their action through important academic research. For the benefit of future generations, their fresh and creative ideas will open our eyes to the idea of global ambitions in maritime logistics.
On behalf of the JML Editorial Team, I would like to extend a very warm welcome to the readership of JML. I take this opportunity to thank our authors, editors and anonymous reviewers, all of whom have volunteered to contribute to the success of the journal.
Chief Editor