Internal branding, internal brand communication, brand culture, brand rewards, citizenship behaviour, Social Exchange Theory, Employee engagement, PKT Logistics Group Sdn. Bhd.Abstract
This study investigates the relationship between internal branding practices and Brand Citizenship Behaviour (BCB) among PKT Logistics Group Sdn. Bhd. employees. This study hypothesises that internal branding (comprising brand communication, culture, and rewards) will positively affect the employees’ citizenship behaviour toward organisational success. Setting the research in Social Exchange Theory (SET), this study uses data from 263 employees collected through a quantitative survey and tests hypothesis with SmartPLS. All the internal branding practices are statistically significant for impacting BCB, emphasising why ensuring a resilient work identity is critical to elevate employee commitment and increase organisational performance. The study’s findings contribute to
management practices for making internal branding work, which can be used to develop a committed and brand-aligned workforce.
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