
  • Aishwarya Kalyappen Universiti Malaysia Terengganu




Seafarers, COVID-19, Seafarers’ Contract of Employment (SEA), Crew Change


The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has caused worldwide chaos and panic. The shipping industry was one of the first
industries affected by the outbreak, with crew members reporting cases of COVID-19 on the ship. This widespread pandemic has launched a major burn for seafarers’ sign-on and sign-off globally. There is no standardised procedure for the crew change process used globally. All countries have their own rules and regulations. Thus, seafarers who act as the middle person between respective authorities were severely affected by this situation. Therefore, this research article aims to study the impact of the seafarers working onboard and waiting for vessels to join during the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, we will explore what changes might have occurred in seafarers’ sign-on and sign-off process during the outbreak. This article reveals three main categories: Perceptions during
the COVID-19 outbreak, changes that could occur in the crew manning sector during the COVID-19 outbreak, and insight into the seafarers’ occupation during the COVID-19 outbreak. A qualitative approach is used in this research. Hence, the semi-structured interview method is conducted involving mariners who are working in this industry. The data were collected through online interviews and thematic analysis was conducted to identify similarities and differences between the respondents. This study will enlighten the challenges and potential solutions for improving the crew change process during the COVID-19 pandemic. 


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How to Cite

Kalyappen, A. (2024). A STUDY ON THE IMPACT OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC TOWARDS SEAFARERS’ SIGN-ON AND SIGN-OFF PROCESS. Journal of Maritime Logistics, 4(2), 23–36. https://doi.org/10.46754/jml.2024.12.002