
  • Noor Aqilah Rosnan Universiti Malaysia Terengganu




Port of Tanjung Pelepas, rail-sea connectivity, rail effectiveness, cargo handling, Maritime


The increasing demands of global trade necessitate a robust and efficient maritime logistics network. Seamless hinterland logistics facilitate cargo movement from ports to inland destinations and ensure timely and cost-effective deliveries. Meanwhile, maritime transport enables the efficient movement of goods across vast oceans. The competitiveness of the Port of Tanjung Pelepas (PTP), a key transhipment hub in Southeast Asia relies heavily on effective hinterland logistics. Rail transport has emerged as a particularly important component due to its capacity to handle large cargo volumes and environmentally sustainable advantages over road transport. This study explores the critical role of intermodal transportation in enhancing hinterland logistics, emphasising rail transport at PTP. A qualitative approach was selected as a medium to achieve the main aim of this research. Semi-structured face-to-face interviews have been conducted to gather information on the issues related to rail-sea connectivity. This study examines how rail effectiveness impacts PTP’s cargo handling performance and explores ways to improve rail-sea connectivity. It aims to reduce port congestion, enhance cargo movement efficiency and reliability, and ensure seamless connections between the port and inland areas. The findings emphasise the need for strong rail infrastructure and effective intermodal strategies which providing insights and recommendations for improving transport systems and supporting efficient global supply chains.


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How to Cite

Rosnan, N. A. . (2024). RAIL EFFECTIVENESS IMPACT IN RAIL-SEA CONNECTIVITY FOR PTP CARGO HANDLING PERFORMANCE. Journal of Maritime Logistics, 4(2), 1–22. https://doi.org/10.46754/jml.2024.12.001