
  • NUR ERNA ERLIANA SAMSUDIN Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Development, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
  • AZWADI ALI Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Development, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
  • ROSHAIZA TAHA Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Development, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu



Entrepreneurship experience, family background, societal factor, university students


This study was conducted to assess how entrepreneurship experience, family background, and societal factors influence university students in Terengganu to embark on entrepreneurial activities. It cannot be denied that entrepreneurship exposure on campus may drive university students to engage in activities which may enhance their academic achievements in, boost confidence, and instill relevant qualities and skills to be successful graduates in the future. Such valuable experiences may be value added to the graduates. To see the impact of such an experience together with other relevant factors, this study has tested the relationship between entrepreneurship experience, family background, social factors and the subsequent effects among students of Universiti Malaysia Terengganu after graduation. The data were collected from 370 targeted respondents and were analysed using the multiple regression analysis. It was found that entrepreneurship experience and family background have significant relationships with entrepreneurship intention while societal factor was found to be insignificant.


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How to Cite

SAMSUDIN, N. E. E. ., ALI, A. ., & TAHA, R. . (2020). DETERMINANT FACTORS OF ENTREPRENEURIAL INTENTIONS AMONG UNIVERSITY STUDENTS IN TERENGGANU. Universiti Malaysia Terengganu Journal of Undergraduate Research, 2(4), 51–62.