
  • NG JOE YEE JOEY Faculty of Fisheries and Food Science, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
  • MARINA HASSAN Institute of Tropical Aquaculture and Fisheries, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu



Polymesoda expansa, Meretrix meretrix, Anadara sp., Crassostrea iredalei, parasite, Setiu wetland


The lagoon of Setiu Wetlands has high biodiversity of bivalve’s species. The majority of villagers are fisherman and bivalves are one of their income-generating activities. Studies on parasites of bivalves are important to our knowledge for maintenance of natural resources. This study investigated the parasite prevalence among four commercially exploited shellfish species from Setiu Wetland, Malaysia. A total of 120 samples were collected during the low tide time for four shellfish species which were Polymesoda expansa, Meretrix meretrix, Anadara sp. and Crassostrea iredalei. The bivalve specimens were measured on its length with and without shell, width, height, weight and microscopically examined on the presence of parasites focused at gills, muscle and digestive tract. The discovered macroparasite were fixed into 70% ethanol solution for preservation. In this study, Anadara sp. was highest infestation of parasites, while Polymesoda expansa has the least infestation of parasites. There were occurrence of copepod and Nematopsis sp. in Anadara sp., M. meretrix and C. iredalei. Apart from that, there were other parasites observed in four bivalve species such as metacercaria, cestode larvae, Panopeus sp., Pinnotheres sp., Balanus sp. and unidentified ciliates. Ecological factors, feeding activity, season and abundance of definitive host were known to be elements that altered the prevalence of parasites in host. Upon the observation, a high prevalence of Nematopsis sp. were observed in three species of bivalves except P. expansa. Whereas for other parasites were occurred in low prevalence and intensity, without causing significant damage towards host.


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