
  • DAVIES IBIENEBO CHRIS Department of Fisheries, University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State, P.M.B. 53233, Nigeria.
  • OKECHUKWU KENNETH WOKEH Department of Animal and Environmental Biology, University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria.
  • MOHAMAD NOR AZRA Institute of Climate Adaptation and Marine Biotechnology (IMB), Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT), Kuala Nerus 21030, Terengganu, Malaysia. Research Center for Marine and Land Bioindustry, Earth Sciences and Maritime Organization, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Pemenang 83352, Indonesia.
  • FATHURRAHMAN LANANAN East Coast Environmental Research Institute, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA), Gong Badak Campus, Kuala Nerus 21300, Terengganu, Malaysia.
  • MURNI NUR ISLAMIAH KASSIM Institute of Climate Adaptation and Marine Biotechnology (IMB), Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT), Kuala Nerus 21030, Terengganu, Malaysia.
  • LEE SEONG WEI Advanced Livestock and Aquaculture Research Group, Department of Agricultural Sciences, Faculty of Agro-Based Industry, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Jeli Campus, 17600, Jeli, Kelantan, Malaysia.


Physicochemical parameters, Hazardous Elements, Niger Delta, Bioaccumulation


The study examined the distribution of physicochemical parameters and toxic metals in the Niger Delta Coast, Nigeria. The shellfish (T. fuscatus), water, sediments, and physicochemical data were collected from three sampling stations over a six-month period. The findings revealed considerable variability in levels of heavy metals and physicochemical features between stations. Station 2 had higher temperature and salinity levels but lower total dissolved solids, pH, biological oxygen demand, and dissolved oxygen. Station 1 had the highest concentrations of Fe, Zn, Cd, Pb, Cu, and As in water and sediment samples, while Station 2 consistently had the lowest concentrations. Station 3 had the highest Fe levels while Station 2 had the lowest Zn values in terms of sediment bioaccumulation. The study found no significant differences (p > 0.05) in all metals in water, T. fuscatus and sediment between stations 1 and 2, except for Cu, which showed slight variation (p < 0.05). In fish, Cu showed slight variation (p < 0.05) between stations 1 and 2, and in sediment, Fe and Cu showed significant differences (p < 0.05) between stations 1. For As bioaccumulation, Station 3 had the greatest concentration, measuring 0.00000123 mg/kg, while both Stations 1 and 2 shared the lowest bioaccumulation at 0.00000058 mg/Kg. Station 3 had the highest Fe bioaccumulation, possibly due to local conditions or iron sources. Higher metal bioaccumulation in these areas may lead to potential environmental and health implications due to their susceptibility to metal pollution. The study suggests that constant assessment and remedial measures are needed to safeguard the aquatic ecosystem in the area. 


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