
  • MORTAZA AGHBASHLO University of Tehran




Food production, sustainability assessment, exergy analysis, environmental impact, resource consumption, waste generation


As the global population continues to grow, the sustainability of food production systems is increasingly critical, coupled with escalating environmental concerns. Traditional sustainability assessments primarily focus on resource consumption and waste generation, often overlooking the overall efficiency and quality of energy and matter flows within these systems. This comprehensive review paper explores the potential of the exergy concept as a holistic and comprehensive approach to assessing the sustainability of food production systems. Exergy analysis offers valuable insights into the thermodynamic efficiency, resource utilization, and environmental impacts of these systems. By incorporating exergy principles into sustainability assessments, researchers and policymakers can better understand the strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement in food production systems. This paper highlights key studies and applications that have utilized the exergy concept, discussing its benefits and limitations. 


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How to Cite

AGHBASHLO, M. . (2023). EXERGY-BASED SUSTAINABILITY ANALYSIS OF FOOD PRODUCTION SYSTEMS. Planetary Sustainability, 1(1), 19–44. https://doi.org/10.46754/ps.2023.07.003