
  • NURUL SYUHADA SHARIFF Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Development, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
  • YUSNITA YUSOF Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Development, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
  • NOOR ZATUL IFFAH HUSSIN Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Development, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu,



Tourist perception, recreation centre, environmental awareness, visitor experiences, destination image


Recreation centre become one of the centres for a family to bring their children for recreation and leisure activity. Moreover, the recreation centre is the place for education, research, and awareness to the public. The main objective of this study is to investigate factors that relate to tourist perception in their reference to their interest, expectations, satisfaction, and a general understanding of the recreation centre. The antecedent factors are awareness of the surrounding environment, visitor experiences, and destination image. This research using a quantitative method via a survey questionnaire and a domestic tourist as a sample. A sample is consist of 384 respondent of domestic tourists who visited the recreation centre in Malaysia. This survey has been done in Zoo Negara, Aquaria KLCC, and FRIM, Kepong. The results show the majority of respondents are female, age below 26 years old, single, obtained higher education, working, and had an income below RM1000. The respondents are mostly from Selangor and their purpose of visit to the recreation centre is for leisure and recreation. The major source of information to visit the recreation centre was from the internet. There were have a significant relationship between an antecedent factor with tourist perception towards the recreation centre in Malaysia. The result of this study will help marketers and management of recreation centres to understand the perceptions of their future visitors. Based on the study, it is should be used as an initial benchmark for the future study, however, they may execute a depth analysis on the tourism that related to the recreation centre in Malaysia.


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How to Cite

SHARIFF, N. S. ., YUSOF, Y. ., & HUSSIN, N. Z. I. . (2020). TOURIST PERCEPTION TOWARDS RECREATION CENTRE IN MALAYSIA. Universiti Malaysia Terengganu Journal of Undergraduate Research, 2(3), 103–114.