Gonadosomatic index (GSI), Hepatosomatic index (HSI), Fecundity, Histological analysis, Aquaculture managementAbstract
Understanding the reproductive biology and age at maturity of climbing perch (Anabas testudineus) is essential for effective aquaculture management and broodstock development. This study examined the species’ reproductive traits under laboratory conditions, focusing on fecundity, Gonadosomatic Index (GSI), Hepatosomatic Index (HSI), and age at maturity. Fecundity was assessed in 30 mature females (total length: 11.0 to 15.0 cm; weight: 32.72 to 68.92 g), which exhibited a fecundity range of 23,316 to 71,862 eggs, with a mean of 49,498 eggs. Positive linear relationships were observed between fecundity and parameters such as total length, body weight, and gonad weight. GSI values ranged from 14.26% to 28.32% and HSI ranged from 0.80% to 1.58%. Gonadal development and age at maturity were studied in juveniles with histological analysis revealing that males reached maturity at 4.5 months (12.66 ± 1.73 cm, 34.54 ± 10.56 g, n = 30), while females matured at 5 months (12.4 ± 0.96 cm, 48.06 ± 14.59 g, n = 30). The gonads of both sexes progressed through distinct stages of development with maturity being reached during the latter stages. These findings indicate that climbing perch achieve sexual maturity within five months under controlled conditions and these insights provide critical information in optimising broodstock
management and seed production strategies. The study offers significant implications for aquaculture practices aimed at enhancing sustainability and productivity.
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