
  • RICHI DWI AGUSTIA Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Bandung, 40132, West Java, Indonesia.
  • ANGGA CAYHA ABADI Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Bandung, 40132, West Java, Indonesia.




Food recommendations, Smart scale, Spoonacular API, Basal metabolic rate, Macronutrient


People often have difficulty in determining the type of food that is suitable for the composition of their body. This is due to the many types of food available, as well as the lack of information about the nutritional content of each type of food. By fulfilling the daily calorie and macro-nutrient needs required by the body, its metabolism can be maintained, preventing various health problems such as malnutrition. Based on the results of the Basic Health Research in 2018 malnutrition is one of the most serious problems in Indonesia. Several studies related to calculating calorie estimates using the BMR approach with the utilization of technology have been conducted.
However, these studies were limited to only displaying the amount of daily calorie needs that were not accompanied by what foods were needed to meet these daily needs. The purpose of this research is to build an app to help individuals understand their daily calorie needs based on their Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and total daily expenditure energy (TDEE), using smart scale to provide body composition information and spoonacular API to provide food recommendations that match their energy needs and give them recipes on how to make their food meanwhile waterfall model is used as a software development method. The test results show that the app meets the functional and usability requirements well, with a high accuracy rate of 99.86% for calories, protein, fat, and carbohydrates. In terms of user response, 13 respondents had a very positive response, and considered the app useful for making it easier to get information about their calorie and macro-nutrient needs, as well as provide food recommendations based on their daily needs.


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